Depending on the main objective(s) of the course, the
teacher may choose to read the story aloud asking the students not to
look at it or ask the students to read the story to themselves silently
and as quickly as possible.
Vocabulary Practice
The teacher may ask the students to answer
the vocabulary questions as soon as they are through with the story.
Students should use the text in order to guess the meaning of each
vocabulary item.
Questions for Discussion
The questions posed under this
section are meant to stimulate spontaneous speech and class discussion.
The teacher may ask several students to answer the same question for
different possible opinions.
Here the teacher may ask students to pair up and
tell each other the story in their own words and he himself may act as
a co-communicator or a counselor. He can also ask one student to tell
the whole class the story in his/her own words. Then the teacher may
act as a model and pronounce the words under this section and ask the
students to repeat the words several times. Finally, the teacher may
use each word in a full sentence and ask the students to repeat for
possible contextual effects.
A variety of statements such as proverbs and quotes
can be found under this section. The statements are deliberately chosen
to be provocative to spark off spontaneous debate and discussion. Thus,
the teacher may choose each of these statements as a topic for class